Tuesday 21 August 2012

Game Design - Project Two

Carrying on with my project one idea and concept. The baby Rhino was a theme that I thought could be easily adapted into platformer style game. Although there are many styles of platformers with numerous laws of gameplay and rulebinds this fact in turn worked in my favor for creating an original game with a unique concept of game play.

The player is in forced motion and only has the ability to jump and move forward, not backwards, this makes this game  play interesting and challenging as one mistake can result in a death. To make game play unique I thought to use the fact that the character is a Rhino and add a charge feature to the environment, giving the player the ability to charge through objects and barriers when needed.

Basic parameters include:

 Forced movement, no running back.
Charge and jump mechanics only.
Death at falling off screen or onto traps.
Revive at beginning of level.
Collect coins for a scoring system at the end of the level.
Environmental interactions slippery materials such as mud, slopes, jumps, gravity.
Pickups? Boosts or power ups: Speed boost? Shield? Coin magnet?
Character could use horn to charge through environment?? i.e. trees, rocks etc. 

Aesthetic values for the game include only vectored or high res backgrounds and textures, this is the modern prerequisites for any game now.

Some early sketches of the in game and level displays can describe with more detail the kind of game I want to produce:

The vision I had for gameplay elements was a kind of mix between Sonic the Hedgehog and Tiny Wings, the forced running with elements of curved slopes and spirals to make the level more dynamic for a platformer.

The paper prototype shows a simple level in play:

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