Friday 3 August 2012

Background for In-Game Environment

This entry includes images used for in game environment and game play components. All were created using photoshop, flash and illustrator.

These tilesets for platforms were never used in the final game environment as they took away from the aesthetic and scale of the interaction. However, these would be very useful in creating a more dynamic and complex game style.
Tilesets for platforms

 This is the background used in the final simulation. It depicts a safari grass land at night with stars in the sky and thick grass with low mountains in the very back.
Terrain Style
This was the tileset used a basis for the final terrain tileset. Rocky and grassy, just like the African reserves.

Final terrain tileset clip

The environment was always going to be stylized adaptation of the natural environment of Rhinos. However the desaturation of the colour for the terrain tileset was a stylistic choice. I wanted the environment to evoke the feeling of the baby Rhino - sad, lonely and somewhat scary. The desaturation also aided to the night time aesthetic. By having the environment lacking in bright and over powering colours it does not take away from the character itself. In fact a brighter scene makes the character less important. By making the environment more dull the character stands out.

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