Wednesday 1 August 2012

Environmental Research

When asked to create a game character that had something to do with an aspect of environmental conservation there are obviously a lot of avenues to look in to.

For my research I wanted to look at areas of environmental concerns as general as possible. When thinking about conceptual characters it is best to think as broad about a topic as possible to get a range of ideas. The Resource Consent Nationwide Authority break environmental issues down in to 4 categories: Water, Air, Waste and Land pollution and Climate change issues. However, of course, there are many more areas of environmental concerns but when  looking at these issues alone, or in combination, the others issues are often  a result of these four.

One area that I am very interested in is animal conservation and the extinction of species that we are seeing happen faster and faster in today's society. The issue is not that species are dying out, species come and go throughout all of genetic history, it is the fact that humans are responsible for it. Whether it be habitat destruction or game hunting.

Power is also a very large issue in our environmental conservation. Using less power and thus saving power is the new target. This is not because we don't have enough energy to go around it is the method of making the energy that is damaging, often energy is made using nonrenewable resources and/or natural resource such as water or wind. But we cannot expect that creating more power dams is the answer.

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