Sunday 17 June 2012

Building the Environment

The environment is essentially a few blocks of streets within what can be assumed a much larger city. My biggest challenge was making believable light. The way I found a solution to this was to line the streets with glowing lamp bulbs and have them cast large amounts of light on the street below. This had a great effect with my characters lights when combined. 

 This is a wire frame of the skyscrapers. Each was made individually and are all completely unique in size, windows, stores and unique corner edges. 
 This is mock render of what a single light bulb can illuminate. The entire lighting effect of the animation was achieved with the use of mental rays real sun and sky lighting. By rotating the angle of the sun towards the sky it engages a night time lighting. I had to change the settings in order to achieve a light enough colour so that other lights and detail could be achieved. I used this technique to alter the detail visible in each scene.
 My character within a scene
 Simply constructed final scene. The final scene is were our friend Hector gets thrown into this vat machine like thing and instantly gets converted into a power cell. 
 This is the scene where Hector is caught in some sort of tractor beam by the Seeker and gets sucked into its holding cell.
This is an edited shot of Hector in his power cell form. A sad boring power cell. We can see him frown as he is rolled away in the final shot.

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