Sunday 24 June 2012

242 - Project 4 Iterations and Code

This is the website I used to find the statistics for my code:

It is the first quarterly statement for 2011, the second, third and fourth are on the website too.

For my code I used processing because I have prior knowledge in the skills I needed to achieve my concept. I have gathered quarterly reports for the 2011 financial year for both Coca-Cola and Apple companies. The reason I used these companies is because they are two of the most recognizable brands in the world. They also have very useful quarterly figures. I have used these figures in exact pixel size and location to filter my images.

All images created are exact visual representations to the financial changes in the companies.

Here are a few iterations of the code being used.

The size of the ellipses in the code are generated from the figures in the quarterly incomes in terms of billions i.e. 10.5 billion is relative to 10.5 pixels etc

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