Monday 4 June 2012

242 - Project 4 Concepts

For my initial concept I wanted to produce an image that was revealed using circles that represent data for a company or statistic of some sort. The image would be tied together with the a logo or related image to the statistics. The statistics would be related to product sales on a yearly basis or something similar.

Similar to this one example of the Coca-Cola logo. The circles would be low opacity and overlapping to depict the logo.

It could also be achieved using a bar graph or line graph in an overlapping fashion to reveal the image.

For my second concept I want to produce a fractal of sorts. It would be an animation of a statistics zooming in coming off at different angles like a fractal. As the image goes further in it would be like a time lapse of statistics over a period of years and months.

Similar to this image but circles representing the statistics and lines coming from the centre point of the fractal curve, the circles would be representative of the statistics by way of size.

For my third concept I want to have rain fall statistics for Wellington fall that look like pixelated rain drops representative of the statistics in sized and tail size. The 'rain drops' will collect at the bottom of the screen and pool up. The statistics will be taken over the winter months of rain fall of a single year.

This picture describes the effect.

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