Monday 30 April 2012

Concept Environments

The environment for my animation is a key component in driving the story of the animation. The initial environment gives us an understanding of the mood, time and place of the story and can often let the audience fill in the blanks without the prompt of dialog or text.

With influence from Lebbeus Woods collection of city scape recreations I will take elements of these art works and create an environment steaming from his style. Much of the materiality of the environment will be used as representations of his artworks. His influence will also be seen in my character design.

Below are some images of concept art, photographs and art works used to help in the design of the environment.

Lebbeus Woods

Lebbeus Woods

Lebbeus Woods

Lebbeus Woods

Wall-e Concet Art

3DRT City Scape

Beirut in Ruins Media Photograph

Concept Art

I have done some quick sketches of the concept environment to get a feel for scale of the environment compared to the character. Detail of the material of the walls, ground, windows and sidewalk will be achieved in final render. I will include concepts swatches to give an idea of the final render environment.

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