Monday 30 April 2012

Concept Environments

The environment for my animation is a key component in driving the story of the animation. The initial environment gives us an understanding of the mood, time and place of the story and can often let the audience fill in the blanks without the prompt of dialog or text.

With influence from Lebbeus Woods collection of city scape recreations I will take elements of these art works and create an environment steaming from his style. Much of the materiality of the environment will be used as representations of his artworks. His influence will also be seen in my character design.

Below are some images of concept art, photographs and art works used to help in the design of the environment.

Lebbeus Woods

Lebbeus Woods

Lebbeus Woods

Lebbeus Woods

Wall-e Concet Art

3DRT City Scape

Beirut in Ruins Media Photograph

Concept Art

I have done some quick sketches of the concept environment to get a feel for scale of the environment compared to the character. Detail of the material of the walls, ground, windows and sidewalk will be achieved in final render. I will include concepts swatches to give an idea of the final render environment.

Exercise 2 Density and Filtering Randomness

These are my experiments with the code given in class for controlling and manipulating randomness. The first two is randomness in density and the last three is filtering randomness.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Concept for Inanimate Object

This is a link to an article about where old technology goes to die. I want to include some elements of this article in my concept for an inanimate object. The environment could be based on a kind of post-apocalyptic dystopia similar to Pixar's Wall-E.

Concept sketches to come.

Using redundant technologies such as these:

Wednesday 4 April 2012

MDDN Materiality

Final Video

This is the final video, for purposes such as this blog it is in low quality, for an easy upload. Enjoy! It took me a long time..

Final Screen-shots

Three hi-def screen renders of the object mid animation. Showing the transformation in three stages.

Animation Process

This is a still screen shot of the camera path for the animation.

This is a short animation of the camera path. Set on low quality you can see all the elements and environment of the scene.

Early Modelling

This is an early screen shot of a high quality render of my model. It was a fairly easy model to make and so little alterations had to be made to get the effect I wanted. The shader type and material layer also adds a nice third dimension to the model.

This is a still shot of a the first glimpse of the crystal emerging out of the liquid entity. Initially I tried to animate the crystal hardening on top of the liquid but I found it harder to animate and I liked the way this method is more in keeping with the Pixar precedent of having a kind of narrative over the characters/ objects in the animation.

This is the final transformation still of the crystal taking the liquid over and crystallizing. I chose red for the colour of the crystal because I wanted some contrast from the liquid. Also, when animated, the intensity of the glow from the crystal makes some really cool lighting effects.