Sunday 24 March 2013

Website Development

When creating the style of my website I wanted it to be slick and fluent. The site is an architecture portfolio of sorts. Showcasing some of the most influential architects of the last century. This site of course is highly image based showcasing the designs and final products of these acclaimed architects.

The navigation of the sight was a main design concern for me. I wanted the website to be based on a single page as this kind of website is aesthetically popular these days and I wanted to encompass some skills in jquery and java scripting. I chose to display everything within a fixed loop light box gallery. This way the person can press on any of the designers and flick through their personal gallery of images, but by integrating the other architects to fluently pass onto the next and combine galleries I aimed to make a polished and free flowing gallery based image site. 

The aesthetic choices are obvious, black and white colour schemes are used to link back to the architects themselves, half of which were born in the late 1800's. Also architectural buildings often have a unique aesthetic value when seen in black and white. 

Some initial layout designs:

Image above shows some consideration of the way in which the multiple light boxes will control the flow of the galleries

Some initial designs, layout of images is experimented.

The final layout was a kind of mix of most of my concepts. When getting down to the coding of the layout the current layout worked better than the rest in terms of user interaction and simplicity stylistically also. 

The logo was of course important too, the header fits across the entire body of the screen. I used the 960 grid for considering how the site will look on ipad and iphone, the 960 grid is perfect for such scaling issues and image stacking. The light boxes work perfectly on any device and this was another choice I made when designing the site. 

Just some basic geometrical concepts for an architecture logo.

Final logo

Footer used for the bottom of the site. 

A screen shot showing the layout of the galleries in the background and the light box image in the foreground. 

A few problems with host registration so I'm using  a non-permanent url address for the mean time and will update it shortly..

Monday 18 March 2013

Project 1 a - Character Creation

For early concepts for my character I always wanted to do an earthy organic kind of creature, something that is a part of the environment it lives in, I thought this would tie in nicely with the theme of evolutionary development in character creation.

My concept for my character started off as a kind of small lizard that lived around rocks or in caves, then it was a turtle with a shell made of stone and rock covered in moss and mushrooms. I settled on a cave/rock turtle for my concept. I wanted him to be covered in grass and mushrooms and moss and dead logs and all those things that one would find out in the wilderness.

The characteristics of my creature are self evident in its appearance, it is a slow moving, lethargic, old boulder. Moving so slowly that mushrooms can grow on it! 

But for project part 1 I didn't have enough time to do everything I wanted to with the character, in fact for the most part the character is more about its texturing and skinning then it is about its shape of polygon complexity. However, I'm still happy with my start and will definitely take this character further. 

Below is an assembly of images over the course of the character conception to low-poly model with basic texturing:

This image was a quick colour model of what I kind of wanted him to look like in the future:

And finally bringing it into Maya:

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Game Proposal: Space Cadets: Virtual Simulator

My game proposal is called "Space Cadets: Virtual Simulator" and its a third-person isometric space invader style shoot'em up.

Sketches and early ideas


Sunday 10 March 2013

Website Research