Monday 7 May 2012

Project 2 242 - Randomness and Structure

I was inspired by wave lengths and the limitations of a 2D plane in relation to creating 3 dimensional structures, and the structure of a continual curve being pushed and pulled at both ends to eventually create a solid form, taking a straight line and creating a structure using curves and tension was my goal.

These are some developmental images of my code. Once the code was completed I experimented with the visual elements of the code.

This is the final code in an image. I wanted the simplicity of the curve to be described more clearly with smaller ellipses.

This is the image created when running the random generator in my pyp file. The randomness is controlled by a randomly generated integer that controls the size of the coil and where the start and end points are located. Over time the coil will shrink but with this comes the structural elements of a seemingly three dimensional string. I took 2d filtering source code and combined it with attributes from my previous exercises, utilizing math.sin,cos,tan to create the curvature.

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